Bring to the world the peace of you

Bring to the World the Peace of You



“[S]ince wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed . . .”
— The Constitution of UNESCO, signed on 16 November 1945

Though the convention of using the word men to signify all people has changed in subsequent generations, the concept is clear, timeless, and vital for the welfare, survival, and thriving of humanity.

The source of peace lies within. And the thing is, it’s simple check this.

Right now, with almost no effort, you can go to the peace of simply being, the uninterrupted presence of awareness, the silent stillness behind your every thought, feeling, sensation, and perception, no matter the content of any of them.

Close your eyes for a minute or two . . . and bring your attention to the space within which all your thoughts and perceptions are appearing. Notice how quickly you open up to and become that silent stillness.

In a flash, available at all times to all people, the peace everyone is longing for can be known instantaneously . . . for it is our very nature.

Imagine how different the world would be at this moment if this simple truth were widely known.

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